GirlDad Diary: More Than A School Bus Driver

I never thought that I would be a “school bus driver”, but here I am! Buckling seat belts. Knowing my stops. Answering random questions like, "Daddy...what would happen if you don't wear clothes outside on a cold day?" (a real question btw). I don't have any clue what inspires these two lovely girls to ask these questions, but they do- and it comes at you fast! 

Me, well, I wasn't so fortunate. I remember getting on the school bus well into my senior year in high school. No, I wasn't one of the lucky ones that had a car gifted to me on my 16th birthday. And I didn't quite earn enough to buy anything worth buying, used or otherwise. So, busing was the only way I was rolling up to school.

But it was fine. No, really! I actually enjoyed my morning and afternoon journey's to and from school, sitting at the back of the bus. Yes, the back of the bus. My reason for being in that exclusive V.I.P. area was my, "funny guy", status amongst my peers. I was only the funny guy because I utilized humor to deflect the comments on my border nerdish ways and my, "big boy" big bodied-self.

 Yeah, I was a social butterfly without the full cool-kid credentials, so funny was there to avoid the bullying from my classmates. But, in all honesty, it wasn't so bad being back there. Even though I would get a few jabs here and there for wearing hand-me-downs that were 5 years out of style, there were more laughs than jeers. 

Now-a-days I take my comedic act on the road, being at the front of the "bus" –in the form of a white pickup truck– and talking with my 4 & 6yr old about their day. What bad things Jackie and Janine did during recess ( fake names, by the way), what issues they are having with their teachers or work. All the while I try to impart sage-like wisdom for their kindergarten, playground dramas. 

I love every moment that they share about what's important in their lives. It's a small moment in the day- the drive between school and home- but it matters tremendously to them. 

What I’ve learned from these moments is to leave that smart phone face down on the table and pick up a conversation with my kids, no matter how little time we have, no matter how insignificant the moment might seem. If you don't have kids, go talk with your significant other. Don't have that, then talk with a loved one. And here's the secret: let the other person tell you about their day, how they feel, how their life is going. 

We can all learn so much from just talking with one another and showing a level of love and care that doesn't really translate through texting or liking a post. For me and my girls, it comes in the form of a "school bus" ride. Find your special way to reach out and touch someone. (Hey AT&T that slogan is old enough for me to use, so keep those lawyers right where they are).

TLDR: It's important to be present in those seemingly insignificant moments you share with your loved ones.



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